
Saturday, October 12, 2013

The Oracle

It was during the time of great turmoil, when mysticism of the past collided with logic and reasoning of the present, that the great Crystal Ball shattered. The common men was gifted with the enormous power of foreseeing the future. For some time men rejoiced, giving thanks to whatever deity they believed to be responsible for this charity. They thought with this great knowledge, they could prevent and preempt whatever disasters that could come their way.

However knowledge did not bring wisdom. Chaos ensued as people tried advancing their own lives through their newly acquired vision. The world simply ground to a halt when every single action by any single person caused the cascading effects that alters the behaviors of everyone else, which in turn caused more cascading effects that continued this vicious cycle. Civilization was caught in some kind of paradox and was on the brink of collapse. That was when he came.

No one knew where he came from. No one knew his name. No one knew anything about him. Since the beginning, people knew him only as the Oracle.

Combining the mysticism of the past and logic and reasoning of the present, he was able to convince most people to give up the vision they acquired or for the few selfish ones who refused, their existence was ceased at once. Piece by piece, country by country, the Oracle was able to restore order to civilization. He was regarded as a god, an all powerful being sent down to save mankind from their greed and stupidity. People gathered around him wherever he went. They worshiped him. They sacrificed their animals to him. They even knelt to him and kissed his feet. Seeing what’s going on around him, the Oracle simply laughed in disgust and vanished into thin air.

He was never to be seen again.