
Sunday, February 17, 2013

Big Dave

"Are you kidding me!?"

"Nobody is kidding you!" Big Dave screamed.

Puzzled by Big Dave's outburst, Tanner reached for his gun, in case anything should happen. All of a sudden, Big Dave's demeanor changed. He is calm, relaxed, like a leopard tracking its pray, waiting patiently for the opportunity to go in for the kill. Sensing the change, Tanner drew out his gun with a sleight of hand, but he was already too late, a bullet had entered his brain long before.

Big Dave chucked coldly as he puts his gun away.

"No no."


It's a relaxed day in math class. Jokes are being passed around lightheartedly, not all were school appropriate in the strictest definition, but Big Dave couldn't care less.

"So Big Dave, if you could summarize your life into a song, what would the lyrics be?" A student asked jokingly.

Ever so calmly Big Dave smiled and said, "I'm a bad ass."