
Saturday, July 16, 2011

Almost Everything About C.O.T.U

Although I know that my blog probably doesn't get much publicity, more like none, but I would still like to tell you more about the game Call of The Underworld.

The game has been under development for probably two years, exact dates aren't important. Although the game in its early stages are bad, but the game has seen a dramatic improvement.

At first the game was suppose to be campaign driven with survival as a side dish, although the exact reason why Goreblood gave up this idea was not clear, but apparently it was the right choice. Oh um, if you have never played C.O.T.U, it is an Overhead Shooter which you must survive waves after waves of ZOMBIES, similar to the Call of Duty Nazi Zombies.

According to Goreblood C.O.T.U was originally inspired by Call of Duty and that you can see a lot of similarities between CoD and C.O.T.U.

Enough with CoD. The original story is about a guy, Calvin(if I remembered correctly), who had fought in the European theater(I think that is it, Goreblood never told where it was) of WW2, who had contacts(or some kind of experiences) with zombies that emerged after a nuke went off during a battle. Of course this is all fictional, unless... Anyway it is now the 50's(or is it the 60's), years after the war had ended. One day Calvin was driving down a road towards a cemetery at night with Sparky, his dog.
That night the moon was full, and when Calvin was close to the cemetery, he drove into something that resembles the shape of a human. He got off to see if the person he has hit was ok he notices loud moaning(zombie moaning that is) coming from the cemetery. Calvin grabs the m1911 from the car he uses for self defense and proceeded into the cemetery to investigate, leaving Sparky in the car.
And that's where the campaign mission begins. I'm certain that most of what I wrote was true for the story, there are probably some elements from my story of the campaign.

The game now revolves around Calvin trying to survive wave after waves of zombies. There is a offline-coop for the standard map, I personally recommend the coop if you are new to the game.  In addition to the standard map, Goreblood also has made some extra maps for additional fun. Background sounds are also different for each map, some even comes with musics that make you feel lonely and helpless.
Goreblood is now working on the online-coop for the standard map and you have to look at his blog for updates and stuff.

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