#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[])
int i = 5;
int *ptr = &i;
int **ptr2 = &ptr;
int ***ptr3 = &ptr2;
cout<<"&i: "<<&i<<endl
<<"&ptr: "<<&ptr<<endl
<<"&ptr2: "<<&ptr2<<endl
<<"&ptr3: "<<&ptr3<<endl<<endl;
cout<<"*ptr3: "<<*ptr3<<endl
<<"**ptr3: "<<**ptr3<<endl
<<"***ptr3: "<<***ptr3<<endl;
return 0;
int i = 5;
003D35BE mov dword ptr [i],5
;at this point, we are putting the value of 5 into the address of the variable i
int *ptr = &i;
003D35C5 lea eax,[i]
003D35C8 mov dword ptr [ptr],eax
;now we get the address of i, and store it at address ptr
int **ptr2 = &ptr;
003D35CB lea eax,[ptr]
003D35CE mov dword ptr [ptr2],eax
;now we get the address of ptr and store it at address ptr2
int ***ptr3 = &ptr2
003D35D1 lea eax,[ptr2]
003D35D4 mov dword ptr [ptr3],eax
;getting address of ptr2 and storing it at address ptr3
... ;skipping the cout part.
01081739 mov eax,dword ptr [ptr3]
;moving the ptr2's address out of address at ptr3 and store it in eax
;eax is now equal to the address of ptr2
0108173C mov ecx,dword ptr [eax]
;moving the value in the address of ptr2 and storing it in ecx
;ecx is now the address of ptr, read above if you don't remember
0108173E mov edx,dword ptr [ecx]
;moving the address of i into edx, from address of ptr
;edx is now equal to the address of i, omg finally
01081740 mov esi,esp
;doing something
01081742 mov eax,dword ptr [edx]
;we are now getting the value stored in the address of edx
;which is the value of i
;eax = i
01081744 push eax
01081745 push offset string "\n%d\n" (1087800h)
0108174A call dword ptr [__imp__printf (108A404h)]
;printf-ing the string and stuff...
01081750 add esp,8
01081753 cmp esi,esp
01081755 call @ILT+430(__RTC_CheckEsp) (10811B3h)
;doing some more things
&i: 0044FD74
&ptr: 0044FD68
&ptr2: 0044FD5C
&ptr3: 0044FD50
*ptr3: 0044FD68
**ptr3: 0044FD74
***ptr3: 5
Yep, some very very pointy pointers.....
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